Your Divinely Sent Book Whisperer

Peggylee hanson

Multi-Time International Bestseller, Publisher & Speaker

Inspirational • Influential • Innovational

Someone is waiting to hear what you have to say.

"PeggyLee took an impossible speaking environment, turned it around, leaving a very satisfied audience!" ~ Paul Dunn, 3X TEDx Speaker

(651) 398-6003


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PeggyLee Hanson's Key Topics & Trainings


Get your story, wisdom, expertise, out of your head and into the hands of those who need you.


Turn your message from the mess into a movement.


Transform your strategy and system into workshops and more.

5 Cues You Need to Share Your Story

You may have heard many times from friends and family to share your unique experiences. But are they are just saying that to be nice and supportive? However, you feel a nudge, a calling of sorts, to tell your tale so that someone else doesn’t have to go through the same things you had, or better still, to let them know they are not alone.

5 Keys to Create Your Own Destiny

A significant change has occurred in your life. Now what do you do? Handling the job loss, loss of a loved one, becoming an empty-nester, or just plain want something different in your life can keep you stuck and in overwhelm.

5 Elements for Writing Robust Content

There it is. The blank page staring back at you. How in the world are you going to create content that is engaging and interesting to the reader? Imagine having a system to easily get those thoughts and words down on paper or in that computer file.

About PeggyLee Hanson

Transformational & International Speaker • Author • Publisher

Multi-Time International Bestseller, Publisher & Speaker, PeggyLee Hanson, “Your Divinely Sent Book Whisperer” is a book-writing and publishing expert. She shows individuals how to easily, effortless, and efficiently write a book using templates and guides.After publishing her premiere book, fiftysomething: The Unknown, Dreams, and Paths in 2009, PeggyLee made her speaking debut talking about the experience. Upon returning to her seat, she got her first book coaching client. She hasn’t looked back since. 
With 30+ years’ experience, certifications in business ghostwriting and coaching, along with her commitment to leadership, PeggyLee has guided hundreds of both hesitant and experienced writers. These writers have fulfilled the dream—and nudges—of sharing their expertise through penning a book.
Her first international speaking engagement shared the how-to’s, which initiated the following quip from Paul Dunn, Social Entrepreneur & 3x TEDx Speaker: “PeggyLee took an impossible speaking environment, turned it around, leaving a very satisfied audience.”
PeggyLee encourages her audiences called to share their brilliance, message, or story, because “Someone is waiting to hear what you have to say.”

Featured presentation at Spotlight on Leaders Summit

hosted by

Women's Prosperity Network

(651) 398-6003

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