Live Well Long Coaching

alexandra van horn

Speaker & Author of 3 Books, Minister of Spiritual Counseling

Books Published:

► How to Get and Stay Happy (or 27 Things That Your Best Friend, Doctor, Therapist or Mother Probably Won't Tell You)

► Forgiveness...(A Forgiveness Journal)

► Jessie's Book (A Mother's Teachings to Her Daughters as Told to Her Daughters) * Co-Authored with her sisters

(561) 929-4316

Alexandra Van Horn


Years Speaking


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Alexandra's Most Requested Speaking Topics

Alexandra takes pride in customizing her presentation to suit your audience. Schedule a call today to explore how she can add value to your community.

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World

During this powerful and engaging presentation, Alexandra provides real-world examples of how shifting your thoughts, shifts your world. She shares the path to reveal the hidden power within each of us. 

Money and Spirituality DO Go Together

This myth-busting presentation demonstrates how money and spirituality to go together and how you can grow both in a variety of ways. 

Rising Up and Thriving After Loss

Drawing upon her personal experience as a young widow of three small children, Alexandra shares three practices for getting and staying unstuck, despite the tragedies and challenges that fall upon you.

About Alexandra Van Horn

The Live Well Long Coach, Speaker & Author of 3 Books, Minister of Spiritual Counseling

Alexandra Van Horn inspires others to own their God-given abilities to create a life they love. An ordained minister, life and health coach, and former massage therapist, she has inspired and helped others reach for and achieve their dreams since 1995.
Widowed at a young age, with three small sons, she learned first-hand about the power inherent in each of us to invent our world through our careful choice of thoughts, words and actions. Now she is driven by this passion to help others leave behind lives of quiet desperation to create lives of peace and happiness 

Featured presentation at Spotlight on Leaders Summit

hosted by

Women's Prosperity Network

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