Healer - Guide - Pain Transformer

Jacqueline M. Kane

"The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind." ~ Rumi, Iranian Scholar, 13th Century


(860) 307-0232


Jaqueline's Most Requested Speaking Topics

Engaging, Authentic & Heart-Felt Presentations that Elevate Communication

Pain-Free, Ease, Flow & Abundance is YOURS: Getting to the Root Cause and Getting it Gone!

Trauma and Pain:
Everyone has their own trauma and story of pain. No matter how big or small it is, the truth remains that it is impacting every area of your life and you may not even be aware of it! During this workshop you will take that empowered step to uncover, understand, and transform your trauma so that you can finally live your life with ease, flow and abundance.

Wealth Attraction

In this fun and interactive session, Jacqueline shows you how to increase your income and wealth. In this session you will:
● Learn the 3 practices to attract greater wealth now
● Why your thoughts are important
● How your generational patterns are keeping you stuck

The Myth of Family Harmony: How You CAN Have It, Keep It and Nurture It

There are 3 Myths keeping moms in the never-ending cycle of pain and it’s time to bust them now and change your beliefs. In this workshop Jacqueline takes you through her Hidden Pain Cycle Awareness Process where you gain clarity and understanding on why it’s been so hard for you to get out of pain and stay out of it for good. Learn the most effective tools and techniques that will lead you to pain-free and more energized days instantly.

About Jacqueline M. Kane

Healer - Guide - Pain Transformer

Jacqueline Kane, Master Energy Healer & Low Back Pain Specialist, is on a mission to show people how they can get healthy, stay healthy and take control of their health for good. Jacqueline specializes in identifying, solving and removing physical and emotional pain that keeps you from living a full, vital life.

Jacqueline works with busy moms, professionals and individuals who are experiencing low back pain, chronic physical and/or emotional ailments, especially those with a general feeling that “something isn’t right,” chasing the elusive cure. Her proven Healthy, Wealthy System gets you out of physical and emotional pain once and for all so that you heal and finally get the relief you’ve been chasing.

She holds a multitude of certifications and awards including Radiologic Technologist, Licensed Massage Therapist, Past Life Regression Specialist, a Certified Bowenwork® Practitioner, a Tapping into Wealth Certified Coach, and an Evolutionary Meditation Facilitator.

When she’s not serving her clients, Jacqueline is either vacationing at the beach, vibing with music, spending time with her grandson, or beating her husband at golf.

Featured presentation at Spotlight on Leaders Summit

hosted by

Women's Prosperity Network


(860) 307-0232


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