Vision Impairement to Vision Empowerment

katie L. friedman, ldo

Vision Care, Low Vision Optician, Speaker & Author

(808) 670-7576

Katie's Most Requested Speaking Topics

"Katie's personality really shines through in her talks. Funny, energetic and full of enthusiasm." ~ Laure Mabelis, TEDx Speakers Coach

Are Your Eyes Zooming Out?

In this eye-opening (pun intended) presentation, Katie provides practical tips and strategies to reduce eye-strain and stress from the excessive time most of us are spending staring at computer screens.

You Can See Clearer Now - the Blur is Gone

Discover powerful techniques and visual aids to reduce blur and enhance vision clarity at all stages of life, from maintaining excellent eyesight during youth to addressing vision loss in older years. Join us for an engaging presentation that offers effective methods, including assistive technology, to bring clarity to your vision and eliminate blurry vision.

Presentations for Medical and Eyecare Paraprofessionals
Eyecare Physicians and Staff

Beyond Eyesight: How to Thrive with Low Vision
Genetic & Age Related Macular Degeneration

These presentations are designed for professionals in the eyecare industry providing resources and strategies to help their patients, as well as develop another revenue stream for the professional.

About Katie L. Friedman, LDO

Vision Care, Low Vision Optician, Speaker & Author

Katie L. Friedman, LDO is a seasoned professional in the eyecare industry with more than 4 decades of experience and a multi-certified Dispensing Optician currently focused on vision loss as a Low Vision Specialist. Katie is dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of those she serves. She empowers individuals to take charge of their visual health and equips healthcare providers with valuable insights and strategies to serve their patients.

Featured presentation at Spotlight on Leaders Summit

hosted by

Women's Prosperity Network

(808) 670-7576

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