The Bad Habit/Belief Breaker

linda allred

Expert in Two of the Most Powerful Belief-Change Modalities in the World, Hypnosis and the Energy Work of Kinesiology

(225) 275-2451

As seen on:

Linda's Most Requested Speaking Topic

Your Speaker for Self-Discovery and Empowerment

Journey to Lasting Happiness:
A Guide to Living A Happy, Healthy and Successful Life

For the past 30 years, in more than twenty different venues, Linda Allred has helped people from all walks of life change their futures by helping them Make more money from their business, Lose weight—and keep it off, Quit Smoking, Reduce Stress, Overcome Fear and Anxiety, Attract More Clients, Business and Profits into their lives, Stop Procrastination, And Increase The Value Of Their Time And Expertise.

“Journey to Lasting Happiness” is a transformative guide authored by Linda Allred, a seasoned expert with over 30 years of experience across 20+ venues, dedicated to helping individuals from diverse backgrounds reshape their futures. Through her multifaceted approach, Linda has empowered countless individuals to achieve various goals, including:

Increasing business revenue
Sustaining weight loss
Overcoming smoking addiction
Managing stress effectively
Conquering fear and anxiety
Attracting more clients, business, and profits
Overcoming procrastination
Enhancing the value of time and expertise

About Linda Allred

The Bad Habit Belief Breaker

Linda Allred, acclaimed as The Bad Habit/Belief Breaker, is a renowned figure in personal development. She is renowned for her expertise in assisting individuals and groups in overcoming the barriers preventing them from realizing their full potential.

With a rich tapestry of experience and knowledge, Linda is celebrated as a two-time bestselling author, captivating speaker, and transformative practitioner. Her debut work, "Answering The Call," swiftly ascended to the coveted #1 Best-Seller status on Amazon in two categories: "Marketing" and "Marketing for Small Businesses." This compelling narrative chronicles Linda's journey from adversity to triumph, inspiring readers to liberate themselves from limiting beliefs and embrace their inherent greatness.

Her subsequent bestseller, "Journey To The Stage," unveils the secrets to commanding attention and unleashing the power of one's voice. Linda is currently crafting her eagerly anticipated third book, “Journey to Lasting Happiness,” which is slated for release in August 2024. This forthcoming masterpiece promises to be a transformative guide to living a healthy, prosperous, and joyful life.

Linda's contributions to personal development have earned her prestigious accolades, including a Quilly™ Award in Hollywood, CA, in September 2014. Her impactful presentations have enthralled audiences alongside luminaries such as Mark Victor Hansen, Lisa Sasevich, and Peter Diamandis.

Armed with a Bachelor of Science degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy and currently completing her M.A. degree in Counseling Psychology at St. John's University of Southern California, Linda brings over three decades of passionate practice to her work by seamlessly integrating the latest advancements in science, spirituality, and psychology. Her holistic approach yields remarkable, enduring results for her clients. Certifications from the esteemed National Guild of Hypnotists, and the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association further underpin Linda's expertise.

In 2010, Linda broadened her horizons by becoming a Certified MindSonix Practitioner Expert, distinguishing her as one of the select few in the USA certified in this transformative belief-change science. By integrating kinesiology, known as muscle testing, Linda empowers individuals to effect profound mindset shifts, guiding them toward lives of happiness, health, and fulfillment.

Through her unwavering dedication and transformative methodologies, Linda Allred continues to empower individuals worldwide to unlock their inner greatness and live their best lives.

Featured presentation at Spotlight on Leaders Summit

hosted by

Women's Prosperity Network

(225) 275-2451

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