Speak Easy Public Speaking

rhonda b. freed

Taking You From Blah Blah to Brilliant!


(802) 557-2835


Rhonda's Most Requested Speaking Topics

An Inspiring & Powerful Presenter that Moves You and Those You Lead to Action!

Motivate, Mobilize, Matter: Mastering Memorable Messaging

This presentation is sure to give you exactly what you need to craft a message that motivates and mobilizes others to take action. Designed for leaders, CEO's, non-profit fundraisers and anyone who seeks to engage others in a powerful and memorable way.

Why I Do What I Do

Discover how to take your passion and purpose and infuse it inside of your messaging. In this presentation Rhonda shares how to get to the essence of your "Why" and craft a compelling message that inspires and engages others to be part of the change you're here to make.

Taming That Voice Inside Your Head

In this presentation Rhonda draws upon her decades of stage experience to share how to quiet the voice inside your head that stirs of doubt, worry, fear and anxiety. Learn how to get that voice to step aside and allow your powerful self to shine through.

About Rhonda B. Freed

Taking You From Blah Blah to Brilliant

Creating change in your world and beyond depends heavily on clear, authentic and engaging communication. Combining her 30 years in theater, business and a Masters Degree in Executive Leadership, Rhonda shows you how to confidently master the persuasive power that makes your audience want to join you in making a difference.

Rhonda works with professionals worldwide to learn to speak not only with clarity and confidence, but from a place of passion where their hearts infuse every word and their audiences are captivated and engaged.

Rhonda shows your audience how to take their presentations  from blah, blah to BRILLIANT! Her mission is to show you how you can step into the confident and powerful presenter you can be. Crafting together the presentation skills that fit you and that will bring you speaking success is her joy.

Rhonda’s strategies and tools give tremendous value to your AUDIENCE so that THEY get the results they crave, so they can change the world. Or at least, their piece of it.


(802) 557-2835


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