Turning Life Stories into Life Treasures
Family Stories Legacy Guide
"If a picture is worth a thousand words, a picture plus the words is priceless!"
(678) 386-1621
Ruthanne delights audiences by returning them to their memories, turning life stories into life treasures.
Stories and experiences connect generations. Don’t take yours with you to the grave. In this informative and, yes, fun conversation, Ruthanne shares ways to ensure that your life stories, experiences, and wisdom and those of past generations are passed down to the next generations. Your audience will leave with creative ideas and easy ways to take action right away, avoiding the regret of ‘I’ll get around to it someday’ syndrome.
In this thought-provoking talk, Ruthanne introduces ‘Legacy Letters of Life’ to move participants to share their stories, memories, and special messages now, as well as create a lasting treasure that outlives them for generations. During this interactive presentation, which can also be given as a hands-on workshop, Ruthanne shares tips on how to decide what to include and creative formats for sharing. Your audience will be able to take action immediately, before it’s too late.
While the leaves on the family tree give you names and fun facts of when and where, they don’t tell the stories. In this engaging talk, Ruthanne introduces themes and questions that draw out the most important stories of how you lived and what you experienced and learned along the way. Without the stories, the leaves fall off the tree in just a couple of generations. Your audience will see family stories in a whole new way, be inspired to tell, preserve, and share them, and get lots of practical tips along the way.
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